News and events from the University Library Service
Friday, September 6, 2024
Workshop: Integrare le Playlist di video e i Quiz di JoVE nei Corsi
Also this year, the annual practical workshop has been organized for teachers and researchers who want to include the contents of JoVE (subscribed by our University) in their teaching material for the next start of the semester, on Thursday 12 September at 16:30.
The workshop will last 30-40 minutes and is an opportunity to discover how to integrate multimedia content into lessons, saving time and involving the class with an innovative approach. To participate, simply register at the link Integrare le Playlist di video e i Quiz di JoVE nei Corsi, so that you can also receive the recording, in case you are unable to attend.
Thursday, August 1, 2024
Access to all Springer Nature ebook collections copyright 2024
In anticipation of the purchase of all the 2024 collections, expected in the coming months, a trial is open allowing access to the titles published on the Springerlink platform The ebooks are accessible from the Minerva catalogue and range from Medicine to Chemistry, from Economics to Social Sciences, from History to Law and Italian and Foreign Literature. The titles published so far are almost 6,000; in the coming months, those gradually published will be made available as well.
The new titles are added to the collections already available through the national contract subscribed by the University of Milan: Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics and Astronomy and Intelligent Technology and Robotics.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Summer closure of libraries
On the occasion of the summer closure of the libraries, loan requests from Minerva will be suspended from Friday 2 August to Wednesday 27 August, while loans expiring from 5 August will be automatically extended to Monday 2 September.
The Digital Library is always available off-campus, while the BD Help-Desk service will be suspended from 10 to 25 August.
The BiblioHELP service is suspended from 3 to 25 August.
Attention: Saturday openings are suspended throughout the month of August.
The libraries, during the summer break, observe the following weekly opening hours:
- 29 July - 2 August: libraries are open with possible reductions in opening hours, check the Library hours page.
- 5-9 August: all libraries are closed, except:
- Law and Humanities Library - BSGU: 9.00-16.30
- Biology, chemistry, physics, and computer sciences library - BICF: 9.00-16.00
- Veterinary Medicine Library: 9.00-13.00
- 12-16 August: all libraries are closed
- 19-23 August: all libraries are closed, except the BICF open from Monday to Friday, 9.00-16.00
- 26-30 August: libraries reopen with possible reductions in hours, with the exception of BSGU which remains closed. Check the time reductions on the Library hours page.
- 2 September: regular reopening, with the exception of the veterinary medicine library (open Monday-Friday, 9-16.00 until 6 September)
Attention! The Mathematics Library is closed for works from 5 August to 30 September.
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Trial on Sanford Guide Infectious diseases until September 6th
Based on the request of some our Professors, the trial on the Sanford Guide, an important clinical reference on the treatment of infectious diseases and anti-infective drugs, has been activated. Popular among physicians, pharmacists, physician assistants, nurses and other professionals, the Sanford Guide provides concise and reliable information for treating infectious diseases.
You can access to the Sanford Guide also via the app after registering on this page.
If necessary, write to
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
New resource: ArchivioPro del Corriere della sera
Following the requests of our users who appreciate the trial, the subscription to the Archivio Pro del Corriere della sera has been activated. The service allows you to carry out searches within the Historical Archive of the Corriere della Sera and consult the pages of all editions of the newspaper from 1876 to today. It is possible to save searches in a personal area and download the pages. Unlimited browsing of the website and consultation of the digital edition of Corriere della Sera is included. Access is guaranteed for 10 concurrent users.
In case of malfunctions please write to
Monday, June 24, 2024
Malliani Library: reduction of advanced services on Tuesday 25 June
On Tuesday 25 June the Malliani Library will provide services in the following ways:
- basic services with security only: from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 17.00 to 19.30 ?
- advanced services: from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Law and Humanities library: the Sala Crociera closes from Monday 1 July
Due to the ongoing works of renovation affecting the Law and Humanities Library - BSGU, the study room set up in one wing of the Crociera will be closed from Monday 1 July 2024.
Others reading rooms in the library are open throughout July; booking is required via the app LezioniUNIMI or our web pages:
- Sala Centrale: 288 seats
- Sala Sottocrociera: 180 seats
- Sala Common Law e diritto internazionale: 36 seats
- Sala Senato (Diritto privato e storia del diritto): 32 seats
- Sala di Diritto del lavoro: 10 seats
Thursday, May 23, 2024
CSD – Cambridge Structural Database: new licence available
The new licence to access the Cambridge Structural Database is now available.
Please ask for a new licence activation key by email to
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
New trial: Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO)
Trial access to the collections of the Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) is active until 12 July. The NCCO is a historical archive, the result of collaboration between Gale and the most important libraries and archives with the aim of preserving and making contents available in digital format for the academic community. The Nineteenth Century Collections Online consists of 12 collections, distinct and independent from each other, all accessible in this trial. Below is the detail of the 12 collections included, attached is the editorial brochure with further information for each of them:
- Asia and the West
- British Politics and Society
- British Theatre, Music, and Literature
- Children's Literature and Childhood
- Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture
- European Literature, the Corvey Collection, 1790-1840
- Maps and Travel Literature
- Photography
- Religion, Reform and Society
- Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925, Part I
- Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925, Part II
- Women and Transnational Networks
Covering the nineteenth century and beyond, the collections, each within their own scope, include a wide range of documents in both Western and non-Western languages. Among the available contents, for example, there are monographs, magazines, brochures, manuscripts, maps, photographs and much more. The search can be comprehensive across all collections or limited to those of interest by deselecting unuseful collections.
At the end of the trial period, the possibility of subscribing to the resource will be evaluated. Please fill the form
For further information please write to
Monday, May 13, 2024
Malliani library closure
The library will be closed on Friday 17 and Monday 20 May, due to maintenance work affecting both the warehouses and the library rooms.
It will reopen on Tuesday 21 May with the usual times and services, although inconveniences due to noise may continue.
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Nuova enciclopedia del diritto - I Tematici, publisher Giuffrè
The University Digital Library is enriched by the Nuova Enciclopedia del Diritto - I Tematici, by Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, accessible from Minerva, which integrates the previous edition with new entries relating to the major themes of law. At the center of the choice are the issues that are the subject of the legal debate in connection with the trends underway in the economic, social and political reality of our country, in the European and global context; legislative reforms and new jurisprudential orientations. The entries in each volume offer a systematic treatment of the topic from every legal perspective.
To access the encyclopedia, when you are on the publisher website select the briefcase icon , then click on “Altro" and select the resource "Enciclopedia del diritto" from the menu.
Access is available for 11 simultaneous users. Please log out at the end of your research session.
For any malfunction, write to
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Follow BiblioDOC to improve your information literacy skills!
You are writing a paper for an exam and have no idea where to find suitable information? You don’t know how to use the search tools provided by your University? Your graduation is approaching and you still have trouble understanding how to turn all the materials you found into a final thesis?
BiblioDOC is here to help you! Both in Italian and English.
It is a course designed for all students of the University of Milan, and particularly those who are close to graduation.
The course aims to provide you with the tools to best approach the writing of reports and your thesis work.
For any information, please visit BiblioDOC's web page
The Royal Entomological Society Collection (1981-2022)
The Royal Entomological Society (RES) Collection on the study of insects was purchased with funding from the Agricultural and Food Sciences Library: it consists of 30 ebook published between 1981 and 2022. The RES was founded in 1833 and is one of the world's leading authorities on insect conservation and control, supporting international collaboration, research and the publication of discoveries and knowledge about insect science. In 2023, CABI entered into an editorial partnership with the Royal Entomological Society by publishing this collection on its platform. The 30 titles are directly searchable in Minerva.
Friday, February 16, 2024
Cambridge University Press Companions
Access Cambridge Companions until 30 December 2024. This is a series of authoritative guides, written by leading experts, offering lively and accessible introductions to major writers, artists, philosophers, topics and periods. The titles will be increased during the year by new publications. At the end of the period, selected titles will be acquired in perpetual.
Please, check our page on Trial/Evidence Based Acquisition (EBA) di nuove risorse for more resources
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Taylor & Francis: History Collection 2020-2023
Access to the following 2020-2023 ebook collections from the publisher Taylor & Francis is now available until December 30 2024, according to the evidence-based acquisition model: Medieval History, Early Modern History and Modern History. The list of titles will be increased throughout the year by new publications.
After December 30, perpetual access to a selection of titles will be acquired.
You can search all titles through Minerva
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Design cell and molecular biology interactive courses using videos: webinar on JoVE
The recording of January 25 webinar on JoVE has been published, now you can watch it The webinar (Progettare corsi di biologia cellulare e molecolare interattivi utilizzando i video), held in Italian, includes:
- an overview of JoVE Core Cell Biology and JoVE Core Molecular Biology
- the experience of prof. Cristina Tringali, Unimi affiliate, in using JoVE videos in her cellular and molecular biology courses
- how to embed JoVE videos into the most popular e-learning systems (LMS), such as Moodle and MS Teams
Friday, January 26, 2024
New resource: Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment
Following last year trial, all titles of the Oxford University Stdies in the Enlightenment collection are now available in Minerva
The resource, published by the Liverpool University Press, includes over 580 volumes between 1955 and 2016, featuring good coverage on many countries, including Russia, Greece, Spain and Germany, and a broad overview of various topics related to the Enlightenment, including history, cultural studies, literature, biography, religious studies, philosophy and gender studies.
The collection has been acquired with the contribution of the Library of the Centre for Foreign Languages and Literatures.
Thursday, January 25, 2024
New resource: Naxos Music Library
Following last year trial, the subscription to the Naxos Music Library is now available via Minerva
It features the complete catalogue or selected recordings of over 770 labels and offers streaming access to a large collection of classical and jazz recordings. For each CD it includes information on booklet, cover, tracklist, instrumentation and publisher, it provides booklets and synopses of over 700 operas, as well as biographies of composers and artists.
Take the most of NML by registering on the platform with a personal account; you can:
- create playlists for personal use
- use the NML app on your mobile phone
Professors can also create playlists to share with their students. For this feature, please request credentials to or
Access is available for 10 simultaneous users. Please log out at the end of each session (automatic logout after 5 minutes).
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Codices Vossiani Graeci et Miscellanei Online (CVGO)
The work Codices Vossiani Graeci et Miscellanei Online (CVGO) by the publisher Brill is now available in Minerva, the University catalogue. The resource features the 174 manuscripts in Greek, and the 42 manuscripts containing both Latin and Greek, from the Isaac Vossius manuscript collection at Leiden University Library. Scanned items include covers, spine and fly-leaves, alongside K. A. de Meyier’s Latin-language catalogue of the collection. There is also an English apparatus to ease consultation.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Subscription to Le Petit Robert de la langue française
The dictionary Le Petit Robert de la langue française is now available in Minerva
The resource proves a useful tool for students of Foreign Languages and of Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication, as well for anyone concerned with translation and linguistics or reading sources in contemporay french, such as the press and francophone databases.
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Taylor & Francis: EBA Language & Linguistics Collection 2019-2024
Access to the linguistic ebook collection of the publisher Taylor & Francis for the years 2019-2024 has been activated until 30 December 2024 according to the Evidence Based Acquisition (EBA) model. The titles, approximately 1,500, will be increased during the year by new publications. At the end of the period, the titles to be acquired in perpetual access will be selected.
Friday, October 13, 2023
New textbooks in electronic format published by Zanichelli
The Digital Library is enriched with textbooks in electronic format published by Zanichelli in the field of science and technology; the new titles are accessible from Minerva, our catalogue. All ebooks are in secure pdf format; therefore, reproduction of the whole work or parts of it is not permitted. It is possible to read the ebooks and search within them online and offline. Online use is possible through any device (PC, tablet, smartphone), whereas download can be done on three devices, even of different types. Access to each ebook is allowed for up to 5 simultaneous users. Please report any malfunctions to
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Springer Nature 2023 ebook collections
The multidisciplinary ebook collections of Springer Nature publisher with copyright 2023 are now accessible from our catalogue Minera via the SpringerLink platform. Titles encompasses several disciplines from Medicine to Chemistry and Materials Sciences, from Economics and Finance to Social Sciences, from History to Law and Criminology. Items published so far are more than 8,000. Those coming out in the next months will be made accessible as soon as they are published.
New titles are in addiction to collections already available: Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics and Astronomy and Intelligent Technology and Robotics.
Friday, September 15, 2023
Borrow a book and return it at any of our libraries
Starting from today, you can choose to pick up the books you reserved via Minerva, the University Library Service catalogue, at any of our libraries.
After logging in with your university email, search for the book you need, click on “Request” and then select the library where you want to pick it up. We will bring the book directly to the selected library.
You will receive an email as soon as the book is available for pick-up at your chosen location. Please wait for this confirmation email before going to the library.
As always, you can renew your loans from your Minerva account, but only if the loan period hasn’t expired and no one else has requested the book.
We remind you that you can also return books to any of our libraries, choosing the most convenient for you. Just take the book to the reception desk, or use the return boxes located outside each library.
Monday, September 11, 2023
Extension of the JSTOR Covid-19 expanded access program
The JSTOR Covid-19 Expanded Access program has been extended on a trial basis until 12/31/2023. The program provides, upon completion of the collections already subscribed by University of Milan, access to the following resources:
- Journal archives (Arts & Sciences I-XV; Business IV; Hebrew Journals; Ireland; Life Sciences; Public Health Journals);
- Thematic collections (Lives of Literature; Security Studies; Sustainability);
- Primary sources archives (Global plants; 19th Century British Pamphlets; Struggles for Freedom: Southern Africa; World Heritage Sites: Africa)
On the publisher's web pages you can find additional details on the individual collections included in the program.All resources can be reached from Minerva
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
2023-2025 Springer Nature ebooks
The Digital Library provides access through CRUI-Care to Springer Nature's Lecture Notes Series and their collections (2023-2025):
The ebooks can all be consulted via our catalogue Minerva
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
BiblioHELP, ask your library
BiblioHELP is the new online platform of the Library Service: a single access point to inform and guide the public of the Universtity of Milan among resources and library services. BiblioHELP is aimed not only at those who study and do research at the University of Milan, but also at the external users interested in our collections.
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Since January 2023, access to the Astrid legal database managed by the Foundation for Analysis, Studies and Research on the Reform of Democratic Institutions and on innovation in public administrations has been available through Minerva.
Astrid collects over 80,000 documents (articles, papers, dossiers) and allows you to search for institutional documents, papers, publications, etc. on a wide range of topics (e.g. institutional and administrative reforms, competition and market regulation, European Union issues and public finance).
The portal is freely available, but access to all documents (including the Astrid rassegna) is only possible from two workstations in the University. The access and booking methods are indicated on the pages of the Biblioteca di Scienze politiche and the Biblioteca di Studi giuridici e umanistici.
The documents can be downloaded and used only for study and research purposes.