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2020-2023 Wiley Online Library Agreement and OA Rights, signed through CRUI-CARE

Contents: Subscription with access to the publisher's catalogue Database Model with the option of Open Access publishing for University faculty with a CC-BY license in the publisher's Open Hybrid journals.
It is specified that during the term of the contract, the journals that switch from the hybrid model to the gold model, will not exit from the contract but will continue to remain the object of the contract.
Here you can find the 2022 titles swithed to gold model, elegible for OA publication under the contract

Green Open Access: University authors can self-archive their papers in the version accepted for publication on their website or into the Institutional repository  with an embargo period of 12 months for the STM area and 24 months for the HSS area.

OA publications management: corresponding authors affiliated may choose to publish their work Open Access and they must use their institutional address and email address during the submission process. The author is identified as a University author through the Ringgold Identifier system on the publisher's platform already in use for the management of the publishing process. The agreement allows for OA publishing with author's copyright.

The articles that can be published Open Access are original research articles and review articles.

Upon completion of the peer-review process and acceptance of the article by the journal, corresponding author will select the University as his/her institution of affiliation before taking the Open Access option. Upon completion of this process, the affiliation will be validated by the Digital Library Office.

Please find information about extra costs

For information:  APC.bibliotecadigitale@unimi.it