Would you like to learn how to do a bibliographic search, or how to use and assess information sources? BiblioDOC – Information literacy skills

You are writing a paper for an exam and have no idea where to find suitable information? You don’t know how to use the search tools provided by your University? Your graduation is approaching and you still have trouble understanding how to turn all the materials you found into a final thesis? 

BiblioDOC is here to help you!

BiblioDOC is a course geared towards all students of the University of Milan, and particularly those who are close to graduation. 
The goal is to equip you with the tools to best approach the writing of reports and your thesis work. 

With BiblioDOC, you will learn how to: 

  • select the most appropriate resources for your research questions 
  • conduct a bibliographic search on the Internet and within the resources made available by the University 
  • assess and properly use information for academic writing purposes 
  • recognise the elements of a citation 
  • recognise the various documents cited in a bibliography 

The course, which was designed and created for you by the University Library Service, includes video-tutorials and additional materials. You are free to decide when to complete its modules, and in which order. 
BiblioDOC is available on Moodle as an asynchronous e-learning course. It is divided into 5 modules, each consisting of one or more teaching units, for a total workload of 4 hours. 
You will also find a number of self-assessment tests. If you watch all the videos and pass the tests, you will obtain an Open Badge, which you can include in your CV. 
In fact, the course will help you build a set of knowledge and skills applicable not only to your academic studies, but also to your everyday personal and professional life.