Looking for a book or article for your exams? Do you want to learn how to do a search?

Please note: classes are held in Italian.

The libraries organize informal courses on some search tools. You will quickly learn how to use the digital library from home, find books for exams and your thesis and do effective research on the web.

Biomedical Area

Biomedical libraries organize on-demand courses to familiarize students, particularly first year students, with the services provided.
The topics covered are:

  • how to use the University Catalogue and your library account;
  • the main services provided by the libraries (borrowing, even from other libraries, bibliographic research, courses, PC rooms, retrieval of articles from journals not available from the University, photocopying);
  • knowing about and learning how to use the University's digital library.

Training is through practicals.
Teachers and students can set a date by writing to: biblioteche.medicina@unimi.it

Please note: classes are held in Italian.

Scientific Area

Scienza in biblioteca (Science in the library): on-demand courses within the context of the Scientific Libraries project.
Students and teaching staff in scientific areas can activate the following courses by sending a request to the designated email address:

  1. Scienza in biblioteca: introduction to the library and its services.
    First level course organized by the scientific libraries to open a dialogue with their users. Watch the video presentation of the libraries.
  2. Scienza in biblioteca: explore the resources.
    Presentation of search tools and strategies for making the best use of bibliographic resources offered by the SBA.

Teachers and students can set a date by writing toscienzainbiblioteca@unimi.it

Please note: classes are held in Italian.

Areas of Humanities, Law, Economics, Politics and Social Sciences

The Humanities, Law, Economics, Politics and Social Sciences libraries will organize courses at the request of the teaching staff and students, arranged with the participating libraries.
The topics covered are:

  • introduction to the library and its services;
  • use of the University Catalogue (to find a book and/or a printed and/or online journal);
  • use of your library account (loan requests and renewals, save bibliographies);
  • how to set up a search query;
  • explora, the digital library search engine;
  • the University digital library (electronic journals and databases).

Training is through practicals.
Teachers and students can set a date by writing to: incontri.ondemand@unimi.it

Please note: classes are held in Italian.

The following libraries take part in the project:

Biblioteca di Studi giuridici e umanistici
Biblioteca di Filosofia
Biblioteca di Scienze della storia e della documentazione storica
Biblioteca di Scienze dell’Antichità e filologia moderna
Biblioteca di Storia dell’arte, della musica e dello spettacolo
Biblioteca di Scienze Politiche
Biblioteca del Polo di Lingue e Letterature straniere
Biblioteca del Polo di Mediazione interculturale e comunicazione